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Housekeeping Items

On a Flickr page for another quilting bee, I noticed a thread for “Outstanding Blocks”.   I thought this was a good idea to make sure everyone’s blocks are accounted for.  What are everyone’s thoughts on this?

This leads into my next question, does anyone know how to edit the page layout for this blog?  Since I use Blogger, I really am not familiar with how to change things in WordPress.  I thought it would be neat to add links to each of our blogs on this side, our little badge, a link to our Flickr page, and depending on everyone’s thoughts, somehow put a tracker of outstanding blocks.

So, if you have any thoughts or insight, please share.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. January 25, 2010 at 3:37 am

    Um, yeah, I didn’t even remember that we had a flickr page?!

  2. sorrelina
    January 25, 2010 at 4:47 am

    I also forgot we had a flicker page… I think all of the above are great ideas. I was cleaning things up in my sewing area tonight, and couldn’t remember if all of my squares were in the mail (they’re not….yet). An “outstanding blocks” thread might be very motivational/helpful.

    And, unfortunately I am of absolutely no help with the “hows” of setting up links here, but I think it is a great idea if anyone does know how to do that. If it turns out that we’re all in the dark, I’ll try to do a little experimenting/research next weekend.

    • January 25, 2010 at 12:31 pm

      i have actually played around a bit trying to determine how to change the layout with no luck. part of me wonders if only the creator of the blog has the ability to change the layout. that seems odd though since we’re all able to post to it. hmmm…

  3. neshamamama
    January 25, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    I don’t know about how to make the changes either but i think that all of your ideas are good.

  4. Heidi
    January 26, 2010 at 2:26 pm

    I love the ideas also.

    I don’t think we have access to change the layout. I think Nichole is correct – Meagan would be the only one who can probably change layout. I think she is the one that created if I remember correctly.

    • January 26, 2010 at 2:30 pm

      after some further research, i confirmed that only those listed as “administrator” on the blog can do more than post to the blog. i talked with meagan and have now been made an administrator as well. i’ll be sprucing things up around here in the next few days. 🙂

      thanks for your feedback ladies. if you have any other ideas or suggestions, please send them my way. i will do my best to incorporate them.

  5. January 26, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    I’ve not been able to get to a sewing machine or a computer for a while, but I think things are slowing down.

    Heidi, I finished your block and it should go in the mail tomorrow.

    Lisa, I hope to do your block this week.

    I think an outstanding block thread is a good idea, too. I also like the proposed changes to the blog but am a Blogspot girl and have a hard enough time just psoting photos on WordPress, so I am no help there. Glad to see someone knows. =]

    • January 26, 2010 at 8:05 pm

      I’m glad to hear someone else has a hard time posting photos on here! Every time I go to post something I have to figure it out all over again. 🙂

      • meaggiepie
        January 29, 2010 at 9:58 pm

        I am totally open to moving this blog to blogspot if you would like. I’m not able time-wise to do it myself, but I have no allegiance to blog-makers 🙂 Also, if others want admin privileges, I am in no way trying to keep them to myself–just let me know!

  6. January 30, 2010 at 1:22 am

    i don’t know if it is necessary to move the blog to blogspot. unless, of course, someone is adamant that we should move everything. i don’t really have to time to move everything either.

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